Many people trust online casinos due to the stringent regulations and transparency measures in place. These establishments are licensed by governing bodies which require them to adhere to strict standards of fair play and Zlatnik security. Moreover, most online casinos utilize Random Number Generator (RNG) technology, ensuring that all games are fair and unpredictable. Trust is also fostered through player reviews and ratings, as well as the availability of customer support services. Lastly, secure payment methods, data encryption, and privacy policies further contribute to users' trust in online casinos.

Župa Navještenja Blažene Djevice Marije

March 12, 2021

Velika subota

VAZMENO BDJENJE bit će u 21:00 sat. Na Veliku subotu Crkva ostaje uz grob Gospodnji, razmatrajući njegovu muku i smrt. Crkva će biti otvorena od

Župna svetkovina Navještenja BDM

Župnu svetkovinu slavimo u četvrtak, 25. ožujka. Svete mise i molitva svete krunice na dan svetkovine su po sljedećem rasporedu: 07:00 – Svetu misu predvodi vlč.

Nedjelja Muke Gospodnje, Cvjetnica

Mk 14, 1-15, 47 Muka Gospodina našega Isusa Krista. Liturgija Nedjelja muke Gospodnje jest poput velikih svečanih vrata koja vode prema svetom Trodnevlju, Velikom četvrtku,